
Enviromental Policy

Todkill’s Marine Services specialises in remediation durability and protection of marine and coastal infrastructure.

Working over and adjacent to water places unique demands on environmental management.

The projects we undertake are often in sensitive natural environments and our goal is always to complete our works without any impact on these environments.

The management of Todkill’s Marine Services also believe that they have an obligation to play a role in contributing to the challenge of environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, wildlife preservation and pollution of habitats at a local, national and global level.

The Todkill’s Marine Services objectives to achieve these goals are to:

  • Establish procedures which minimize the environmental impact of our works and ensure the prevention of pollution resulting from our activities
  • Develop KPI’s to monitor the effectiveness of these procedures and strive for continual improvement by monitoring these KPI’s.
  • Carry out risk assessments for all construction activities, addressing environmental risks in particular and ensuring that controls are put in place to keep work activities as “low environmental risk”
  • Consider the environmental impacts of all purchasing decisions to ensure that environmental effects are taken into account in the procurement process.
  • Develop, use and update management procedures which comply with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004.
  • As a minimum, operate in compliance with all contractual and relevant statutory obligations, including particular requirements of our clients and the communities in which we work.
  • Regularly review our performance against core objectives and take appropriate action when necessary
  • Communicate our goals and objectives effectively within the organization through training, inductions and prominent display
  • Adequately address training needs to enhance the level of skill and competence within our organization
  • Review this policy on a regular basis to ensure that it is adequate and effective

The Company management is committed to the development and implementation of the integrated management system and continually improving its effectiveness.

We will incorporate these objectives into every aspect of our business activities and monitor our performance to ensure we are delivering projects in accordance with these principles.

Health & Safety Policy

Todkill’s Marine Services are committed to the health, safety and welfare of all employees, we strive to be an acknowledged leader in the Marine field. Our goal is to have an injury free workplace.

The company will work to eliminate hazards, practices and behaviour that could cause accident, injuries or illness to employees, contractors, visitors the general public and the environment where applicable.

To help achieve our goal, Todkill’s Marine management is committed to the following principles:

  • Demonstrating a commitment to safety at all levels of the organisation
  • Assigning authority, responsibility and accountability structures
  • Maintaining a well-functioning Safety Management System to AS4801:2001
  • Providing resources for planning and implementation
  • Setting safety objectives and measuring itself against the associated performance targets
  • Provide initial and ongoing medical treatment for employees when required
  • Reviewing and updating our policy, management system and its resources

These commitments go hand in hand with our determination to better our statutory and regulatory obligations, and to adhere to industry Standards and Codes of Practice in all activities, products or services that we, and our subcontractors and suppliers provide to others.

There is nothing more important than ensuring the well being of our employees. Therefore, all employees are responsible for contributing to the consultative processes of the management system to identify and report hazards, to develop and implement controls that minimise or eliminate the associated risks, and to take corrective actions.

This responsibility is shared with our sub-contractors, suppliers and clients.

This policy sets the framework for achieving continual improvement in the provision of:

  • Safe places of work
  • Safe systems of work
  • Safe equipment
  • Trained and competent employees

Some of our clients

For more information please Call

+61 407 156 577